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Membership of the SWA will entitle you to the following benefits :-


1 Discounts from various manufacturers and suppliers from 5% up to 20% - as detailed in newsletters and available on production of a current membership number (this number is checked by the traders at the time of ordering).


2 Public Liability Insurance of £5 million details of which are available from the Treasurer on request.


3 Publication of a quarterly newsletter covering assorted aspects of the hobby and providing insight on warships of many nations and eras.


4 A range of events to meet other fellow modellers.


5 A database with contact details of other members at home and abroad who have like interests and may have information that will be useful to you including drawings, books, photos and in some cases personal knowledge of their model subjects.


6 Practical expertise in most aspects of marine modelling with particular reference to the scale warship field, both working and static, and guidance on research via external sources.

The current subscription rates are £20 for individuals (£25 Overseas) or £25 for Family membership.

Membership is open to all and can be obtained by printing off the Application Form and returning to the Membership Secretary whose address appears on the form.

Existing members can renew by using the Renewal Form 

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